埃塞俄比亚禁止进口天然气驱动的私人车辆,以便在面临挑战时推广电动车辆。 Ethiopia bans gas-powered private vehicle imports to promote electric vehicles amid challenges.
埃塞俄比亚已成为第一个禁止进口天然气动力私人车辆的国家,其目的是促进电动车辆的使用和减少对燃料的依赖。 Ethiopia has become the first country to ban the import of gas-powered private vehicles, aiming to promote electric vehicle (EV) use and reduce fuel dependency. 然而,挑战依然存在,包括电力供应不稳定、缺乏零配件和熟练机械师不足。 However, challenges persist, including an unstable electricity supply, lack of spare parts, and insufficient skilled mechanics. 虽然政府计划每月增加电动汽车进口量并投资于基础设施收费, 但许多居民都持怀疑态度, While the government plans to increase monthly electric car imports and invest in charging infrastructure, many residents are skeptical, with some reverting to gasoline vehicles.