中国准备担任2025年上合组织主席,强调合作,提供全球援助。 China prepares for its 2025 SCO presidency, highlighting cooperation and offering global aid.
中国正准备担任上海合作组织(上合组织)2025年主席国,计划召开上合组织首脑会议和40多次会议,讨论政党、减贫和可持续发展等议题。 China is preparing for its 2025 presidency of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), planning an SCO summit and over 40 meetings on topics like political parties, poverty reduction, and sustainable development. 中国展示了中国文化标志和口号“坚持上海精神:上海行动」。 China revealed an emblem featuring Chinese culture and the slogan "Upholding the Shanghai Spirit: SCO on the Move." 中国致力于加强上海合作组织在各领域的合作,建设共同的未来。 China aims to enhance SCO cooperation in various areas and build a shared future. 此外,中国在地震后向瓦努阿图提供援助,并讨论了改善与日本的关系。 Additionally, China offered aid to Vanuatu after an earthquake and discussed improving relations with Japan.