上合组织期待在中国担任主席期间扩大安全和发展,这标志着一个积极的未来前景。 SCO looks to expand security and development under China's presidency, marking a positive future outlook.
在北京为即将离任的上海合作组织秘书长张明举行的告别活动中,本组织对其未来的增长表示乐观。 At a farewell event in Beijing for outgoing SCO Secretary-General Zhang Ming, the organization expressed optimism for its future growth. 现在的上合组织轮值主席中国计划加强安全机制,制定直至2035年的发展战略,并致力于实现可持续的目标。 China, now the SCO's rotating president, plans to enhance security mechanisms, work on a development strategy through 2035, and stay committed to sustainable goals. 在张上任期间,上合组织扩大,包括两个新成员国和八个对话伙伴。 During Zhang's tenure, the SCO expanded to include two new member states and eight dialogue partners.