2024年,比利时的可再生能源生产降至六年最低水平,尽管太阳能创历史新高。 In 2024, Belgium's renewable energy production dropped to a six-year low, despite solar hitting a record high.
2024年,比利时的可再生能源生产量在6年中最低,核能仍然领先42%,但下降,风能由于天气恶劣而下降11%。 In 2024, Belgium saw its lowest renewable energy production in six years, with nuclear energy still leading at 42% but dropping, and wind energy falling by 11% due to poor weather. 然而,太阳能发电达到12%,创历史新高。 Solar power, however, reached a record high at 12%. 由于核和燃气发电站业务减少,比利时增加了从法国和荷兰的电力进口,导致总耗电81兆瓦小时,其中88%来自国内。 Due to reduced nuclear and gas-fired power station operations, Belgium increased electricity imports from France and the Netherlands, leading to a total consumption of 81 terawatt-hours, 88% of which came from domestic sources.