房客在家中居住的时间更长,33.6%的房客在目前的家中至少居住了五年。 Renters staying longer in their homes, with 33.6% living in their current homes for at least five years.
Redfin对2023年美国人口普查局数据的分析表明,33.6%的美国房客在他们的家中至少居住了五年,比十年前的28.4%有所增加。 Redfin's analysis of 2023 U.S. Census Bureau data shows that 33.6% of U.S. renters have lived in their homes for at least five years, up from 28.4% a decade ago. 较高的抵押贷款成本和稳定的房价使许多人不愿搬家。 Higher mortgage costs and stable rents post-pandemic have kept many from moving. 市场上也出现了数目空前的新公寓,为租房者创造了有利的环境。 A record number of new apartments are also on the market, creating a favorable environment for renters. 超过三分之一的婴儿潮一代已经在家中住了至少10年, 而超过一半的Z世代租户在家里住了不到一年. Over a third of baby boomers have lived in their homes for at least 10 years, while over half of Gen Z renters live in their homes for less than a year.