60%的Z世代因房租需求增加和住房短缺而“负担不起房租”。 60% of Generation Z are "rent burdened" due to rising rental demand and housing shortage.
根据Zillow对人口普查数据的分析, 近60%的年轻人, 即Z代, 被归类为“租金负担过重”, Nearly 60% of young adults, or Generation Z, are classified as "rent burdened," spending over 30% of their income on housing, according to Zillow's analysis of Census data. 虽然与十年前的千一代相比,这一数字略有改善,但由于租金需求不断增加以及房屋短缺,这一趋势在2022年达到450万套房屋,而现在则进一步恶化. While this is a slight improvement compared to millennials a decade ago, the trend has worsened due to rising rental demand and a housing shortage that reached 4.5 million homes in 2022. 首次购买者的中位年龄已上升到36岁,因为许多仍在租房者在高价格下更长的时间。 The median age of first-time buyers has risen to 36, as many remain renters longer amid high prices.