新西兰水公园所有者声称,iPhone天气应用低估了当地气温,影响旅游业。 Owner of New Zealand water park claims iPhone weather app underestimates local temperatures, affecting tourism.
新西兰Kiwi Water Park所有者Emily Rutherford抱怨iPhone的天气应用低估了当地气温, Emily Rutherford, owner of Kiwi Water Park in New Zealand, complains that the iPhone's weather app underestimates local temperatures, potentially deterring visitors. 问题源于当地数据有限以及应用软件依赖国际供应商 " 天气公司 " 。 The issue stems from limited local data availability and the app's reliance on international provider The Weather Company. Tristan Meyers指出,苹果公司使用的天气模型对新西兰的条件可能没有那么有效。 Meteorologist Tristan Meyers notes that the weather model used by Apple may not be as effective for New Zealand's conditions.