新西兰面临气温大幅上升、极端热量和降雨量减少,极端天气事件的风险更大。 New Zealand faces significant temperature increase, extreme heat, and reduced rainfall, with greater risks of extreme weather events.
预计到2099年,新西兰的气候将大为暖和,预测表明极端热天,特别是在奥克兰和汉密尔顿,随着年降雨量减少和干日增加,气候将上升。 New Zealand's climate is expected to warm significantly by 2099, with projections indicating a rise in extremely hot days, particularly in Auckland and Hamilton, alongside reduced annual rainfall and increased dry days. 国家水和大气研究所警告极端天气事件的风险较高,敦促立即采取气候行动。 The National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research warns of a higher risk of extreme weather events, urging immediate climate action. 批评人士,包括绿党发言人Chlöe Swarbrick, 认为政府目前的计划缺乏雄心壮志, Critics, including Green Party spokesperson Chlöe Swarbrick, argue that current government plans lack ambition and could hinder carbon neutrality by 2050.