新西兰资助汤加太平洋第一个气象雷达项目400万美元,改善预报和拯救生命。 New Zealand funds a $4m Pacific first weather radar project in Tonga, improving forecasting and saving lives.
新西兰与汤加气象局和新西兰气象局合作,在汤加资助了一个400万新西兰元的气象雷达项目。 New Zealand funded a NZ$4m weather radar project in Tonga, in partnership with Tonga Meteorological Service and New Zealand MetService. 这一雷达首先在太平洋,将改进危险天气事件的预报和预警,拯救生命。 This radar, first in the Pacific, will improve forecasting and early warnings for hazardous weather events, saving lives. 该倡议是太平洋岛屿论坛核可的 " 天气准备太平洋方案 " 的一部分,有助于联合国“人人享有预警”倡议。 The initiative is part of the Weather Ready Pacific Programme, endorsed by the Pacific Islands Forum, and contributes to the UN's 'Early Warnings for All' initiative.