西雅图除夕夜将举办无人机灯光秀和烟花, 庆祝2025年的开始。 Seattle's New Year's Eve will feature a drone light show and fireworks, celebrating the start of 2025.
西雅图正在准备迎接除夕夜, 在空间针头上展出一个炫目的无人驾驶飞机灯光秀和烟火表演, 叫做“阿拉斯加航空公司新年在针头上”。 Seattle is gearing up for New Year's Eve with a dazzling drone light show and fireworks display at the Space Needle, dubbed "Alaska Airlines New Year's at the Needle." 数以百计的无人机 将产生复杂的模式 上面, 之后一个壮观的烟花表演 可见整个城市。 Hundreds of drones will create intricate patterns overhead, followed by a spectacular fireworks show visible across the city. 邻居也将主办自己的烟火展, 确保所有居民都能在节日后到2025年开场。 Neighborhoods will also host their own fireworks displays, ensuring a festive kick-off to 2025 for all residents.