威斯康星州标题镇 主办一个为期一天的新年夜活动 包括滑冰、现场音乐和烟花 Titletown, Wisconsin, hosts a day-long New Year's Eve event with skating, live music, and fireworks.
威斯康辛州标题镇主办了一场关爱家庭的新年夜活动,活动包括滑冰、管子和冰雕等。 Titletown in Wisconsin hosted a family-friendly New Year's Eve event with activities like skating, tubing, and ice sculptures. 庆祝活动从上午10时持续到上午1时,包括现场娱乐、两场烟火表演和免费新年项目。 The celebration, running from 10 a.m. to 1 a.m., featured live entertainment, two fireworks shows, and free New Year's items. 参加者可以享受游戏、LED家具和LED曲棍球场,可以购买食品。 Attendees could enjoy games, LED furniture, and an LED curling rink, with food available for purchase. 午夜的烟花在兰博球场上展出. The midnight fireworks were displayed on Lambeau Field.