迪拜全球村在新年前夕的晚上8点到1点有七场无人机和烟火表演。 Dubai's Global Village hosts seven drone and fireworks shows on New Year's Eve, from 8pm to 1am.
迪拜全球村(Dubay's Global Village)在除夕夜举办七场同步的无人机和烟火表演, Dubai's Global Village is hosting seven synchronized drone and fireworks shows on New Year's Eve, starting at 8pm and concluding at 1am. 活动内容包括现场表演、DJ表演和各种娱乐活动,只要有入场券,都可以观看。 The event includes live performances, a DJ show, and various entertainment acts, all accessible with the entry ticket. 每个无人机节目都会在会场播出“新年快乐”讯息。 The venue will feature the message "Happy New Year" with each drone show. 全球村从下午4时至凌晨2时开放, 提供购物、餐饮和骑车。 Global Village will be open from 4pm to 2am, offering shopping, dining, and rides.