波士顿第一晚以游行、音乐和烟花庆祝除夕夜,加强安全措施。 Boston's First Night celebrates New Year's Eve with a parade, music, and fireworks, bolstering safety measures.
波士顿正准备在新年前夕庆祝第49次首个夜晚, Boston is gearing up for its 49th First Night celebration on New Year's Eve, emphasizing safety with increased police and ambulance presence. 庆祝马萨诸塞州250周年的游行、现场音乐、烟花和冰雕。 The event at City Hall Plaza features a parade, live music, fireworks, and ice sculptures celebrating Massachusetts's 250th anniversary. 禁止公众消费酒精和大麻以及使用无人驾驶飞机。 Public consumption of alcohol and marijuana is banned, as is the use of drones. MBTA将在下午8点后提供免费搭车。 The MBTA will offer free rides after 8 PM. 当局强调报告任何可疑活动的重要性。 Authorities stress the importance of reporting any suspicious activities.