堪培拉警方在新年前夕在Burley Griffin湖放烟火期间执行交通限制和安全措施。 Canberra police enforce traffic restrictions and safety measures during New Year's Eve fireworks at Lake Burley Griffin.
堪培拉警方将在新年节庆祝活动期间在Burley Griffin湖进行巡逻,交通限制包括晚上9点和午夜烟火中关闭英联邦大道桥。 Canberra police will conduct patrols during New Year's Eve celebrations at Lake Burley Griffin, with traffic restrictions including closing the Commonwealth Avenue bridge during the fireworks at 9pm and midnight. 警方建议参与者适度饮酒、避免醉酒驾车、避免使用无人机。 Police advise attendees to drink moderately, avoid drunk driving, and refrain from using drones. 它们鼓励在离开时保持耐心,并强调社区安全的重要性。 They encourage patience when leaving and stress the importance of community safety.