芝加哥除夕夜的特色是 河流烟火, 商品玛尔特倒计时, 以及各种城市活动。 Chicago's New Year's Eve features river fireworks, a Merchandise Mart countdown, and various city events.
芝加哥除夕庆典的特色是芝加哥河沿岸的烟火, 从晚上11点55分开始, 在商品市场马赛上进行倒计时预测, 然后是午夜的烟火。 Chicago's New Year's Eve celebrations will feature fireworks along the Chicago River, starting at 11:55 p.m. with a countdown projection on the Merchandise Mart, followed by fireworks at midnight. 下午11时45分至12时15分,Riverwalk和几条街道将被关闭。 海军码头将主办一场烟火表演和一场盛大的舞会。 The Riverwalk and several streets will be closed from 11:45 p.m. to 12:15 a.m. Navy Pier will host a fireworks show and a grand ballroom party. 其他活动包括 Blue Man Group、Andy's Jazz Club 的 Mario Abney、Hard Rock Casino 的 Filter 以及 Pretty Lights 和 Cameron Esposito 的表演。 Additional events include the Blue Man Group, Mario Abney at Andy's Jazz Club, Filter at Hard Rock Casino, and performances by Pretty Lights and Cameron Esposito.