威斯康辛州尼纳(Neenah)在除夕提供免费搭便车服务, Neenah, Wisconsin, offers free rideshare services on New Year's Eve to prevent drunk driving.
威斯康辛州Neenah警察局在新年前夕从上午10时30分至4时30分提供免费搭乘服务,以防止酒后驾车。 The Neenah Police Department in Wisconsin is offering free rideshare services on New Year's Eve from 10:30 p.m. to 4:30 a.m. to prevent drunk driving. 这项服务由一家当地出租车公司提供,向Neenah居民提供,他们往返于市内有执照的企业,并有特定的停留区。 The service, provided by a local cab company, is available for Neenah residents traveling to and from licensed businesses within the city limits, with specific drop-off areas. 详情请见Neenah警察局的网页。 More details can be found on the Neenah Police Department's webpage.