Google推出月球主题涂鸦游戏, Google introduces a lunar-themed doodle game, educating users on moon phases as a festive December activity.
Google发起了一场互动涂鸦游戏, 以庆祝十二月最后半月。 Google has launched an interactive doodle game to celebrate December's final half moon. 这个游戏出现在Google的主页上, 让用户能够匹配不同的月亮阶段来形成双对和完整的月球周期, 教授月球的八个阶段。 The game, appearing on Google's homepage, lets users match different moon phases to form pairs and complete lunar cycles, teaching about the eight phases of the moon. 从10月开始的系列游戏的一部分, 通过点击以月亮为主题的Google图标, 游戏提供了一个有趣的教育体验。 Part of a series starting in October, the game offers a fun, educational experience accessible by clicking on the moon-themed Google icon.