中国于2024年通过其行政复议制度纠正了39,000多起不当案件。 China corrected over 39,000 improper cases through its administrative reconsideration system in 2024.
据司法部称,在2024年头九个月,中国行政复议机构纠正了39,000件不当或非法案件。 In the first nine months of 2024, China's administrative reconsideration bodies corrected 39,000 improper or illegal cases, according to the Ministry of Justice. 他们还提出了4 271项建议,以解决反复出现的行政问题,并审查了420份文件,纠正了17份被发现违反法律的文件。 They also issued 4,271 recommendations to address recurring administrative issues and reviewed 420 documents, correcting 17 found to violate the law. 这是在1月份执行经修订的《行政复议法》之后进行的。 This follows the implementation of the revised Law on Administrative Reconsideration in January.