中国批准2025年6月生效的《监督法》修正案,以加强反腐工作。 China approves amendments to its Supervision Law to enhance anti-corruption efforts, effective June 2025.
中国立法者已批准对中国主要反腐败法《监督法》的修正案,以加强反腐败措施。 Chinese lawmakers have approved amendments to the country's main anti-corruption law, the Supervision Law, to enhance anti-corruption measures. 这项决定由全国人民代表大会常务委员会作出,将于2025年6月1日生效。 The decision was made by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and will take effect on June 1, 2025. 这些修订旨在改进监督和执行程序。 The revisions aim to improve supervision and enforcement procedures.