据报告,拜登行政当局隐瞒了拜登总统关于COVID-19源的实验室泄漏理论。 Biden administration reportedly withheld lab leak theory on COVID-19 origin from President Biden.
据报告,拜登政府压制了情报官员的意见,支持关于COVID-19起源于武汉病毒学研究所实验室泄漏的理论。 The Biden administration reportedly suppressed intelligence officials' views supporting the theory that COVID-19 originated from a lab leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. 虽然政府相信病毒是自然产生的 FBI认为实验室泄漏的可能性更大 While the administration believed the virus emerged naturally, the FBI concluded the lab leak was more likely. 据报告,尽管病毒在全球造成3 000多万人死亡,在美国造成120万人死亡,但这些结论却被排除在拜登总统的简报之外。 These conclusions were reportedly excluded from a briefing to President Biden, despite the virus causing over 30 million deaths globally and 1.2 million in the U.S.