美国情报部门没有发现外国势力造成“哈瓦那综合症”的证据,但不排除定向能源武器。 US intelligence finds no proof foreign powers caused "Havana syndrome," but doesn't rule out directed energy weapons.
美国情报机构没有发现任何具体证据证明外国势力与影响美国外交官和政府人员的“哈瓦那综合症”伤害有联系。 US intelligence agencies have found no concrete evidence linking foreign powers to the "Havana syndrome" injuries affecting US diplomats and government personnel. 但是,两个机构认为, 外国对手有可能研制出一种武器, 使用声波能量,微波, 或其他直接能源, 造成伤害。 However, two agencies suggest it's possible a foreign adversary developed a weapon using acoustic energy, microwaves, or other directed energy that could have caused the injuries. 大多数机构认为不可能对外国敌人负责,但拜登行政当局计划继续调查和照料受影响的个人。 Most agencies believe a foreign adversary is unlikely responsible, but the Biden administration plans to continue investigating and providing care for affected individuals.