尽管联邦调查局的实验室泄漏理论,但拜登政府却将联邦调查局排除在关于COVID-19起源的2021年简报之外。 Biden administration excluded FBI from 2021 briefing on COVID-19 origins, despite FBI's lab leak theory.
据报道,Biden行政当局将联邦调查局排除在2021年关于COVID-19起源的简报之外,尽管联邦调查局以“中度信心”的结论认为,病毒来自实验室泄漏。 The Biden administration reportedly excluded the FBI from a 2021 briefing on the origins of COVID-19, despite the FBI concluding with "moderate confidence" that the virus originated from a lab leak. 这与其他支持动物学家理论的情报机构形成鲜明对比。 This contrasts with other intelligence agencies supporting the zoonotic theory. 世界卫生组织赞同自然起源理论,而美国各机构对病毒起源的辩论仍在继续。 The World Health Organization endorsed the natural origin theory, while the debate on the virus's origin continues among US agencies.