美国立法者认为COVID-19很可能起源于中国实验室, 批评世卫组织及质疑公共卫生措施。 US lawmakers suggest COVID-19 likely originated from a Chinese lab, criticizing WHO and questioning public health measures.
美国立法者已经完成了一项为期两年的调查, 表明COVID-19病毒很可能从武汉的中国实验室泄露出来。 US lawmakers have concluded a two-year investigation, suggesting the COVID-19 virus likely leaked from a Chinese lab in Wuhan. 共和党领导的这份报告批评世卫组织偏袒中国利益, 质疑蒙面任务和封锁是否有效, The Republican-led report criticizes the WHO for favoring China's interests and questions the effectiveness of mask mandates and lockdowns. 它赞扬旅行限制和迅速研制疫苗,但也指责官员低估自然豁免。 It praises travel restrictions and the rapid vaccine development but also accuses officials of downplaying natural immunity. 报告着重指出了国家卫生研究所在监督风险研究方面存在的缺陷,并旨在指导今后应对大流行病的行动。 The report highlights flaws in the NIH's oversight of risky research and aims to guide future pandemic responses.