印度计划使其钢铁部门现代化,重点关注绿色技术和减少进口。 India plans to modernize its steel sector with a focus on green technology and reducing imports.
印度钢铁部正在制定一项使本国钢铁部门现代化的全球战略,重点是原材料、投资、技术和出口。 The Indian Ministry of Steel is developing a global strategy to modernize the country's steel sector, focusing on raw materials, investments, technology, and exports. 关键举措包括旨在减少碳排放和促进去碳化的 " 绿色钢任务 " 和 " 生产挂钩奖励计划 " ,旨在削减进口和促进国内生产的特殊钢。 Key initiatives include the Green Steel Mission, aimed at reducing carbon emissions and promoting decarbonization, and a Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for specialty steel to cut imports and boost domestic production. 这些努力旨在将印度定位为全球钢市场的领导者。 These efforts aim to position India as a leading player in the global steel market.