印度钢铁生产在四年内增长了3 500万吨,保持了2018年以来第二大全球状态。 India's steel production rose 35 million tonnes in 4 years, maintaining 2nd largest global status since 2018.
印度的钢生产在四年内增长了3 500万吨,保持了2018年以来全球第二大钢生产商的地位,超过了日本。 India's steel production has risen by 35 million tonnes in four years, maintaining its position as the 2nd largest steel producer globally since 2018, surpassing Japan. 政府实施了一些政策,如DMI & SP和PLIScheme, 并降低了铁镍的关税, The government has implemented policies like the DMI&SP and PLIScheme, and reduced customs duties on ferro nickel to boost the sector. 该计划旨在创造2 500万吨的额外钢生产能力。 The PLI Scheme aims to create an additional steel production capacity of 25 million tonnes.