印度钢铁工业面临进口激增、成本波动,目标是到2030年提高能力。 Indian steel industry faces import surge, cost volatility, aiming for capacity boost by 2030.
印度钢铁工业正在驾驭不断上升的进口和不稳定的原材料成本,目的是到2030年将生产能力提高到3亿吨。 The Indian steel industry is navigating rising imports and volatile raw material costs, aiming to boost capacity to 300 million tons by 2030. 2024年上半年进口猛增41%,而出口下降36%。 Imports surged 41% in the first half of 2024, while exports fell 36%. 该行业寻求政策支持,包括拟议对进口征收25%的保障税,并正在推动投资清洁制造工艺,以达到全球排放标准。 The industry seeks policy support, including a proposed 25% safeguard duty on imports, and is pushing for investments in clean manufacturing processes to meet global emission standards.