印度发射“绿色钢的税法”,以估计和减少该行业的二氧化碳排放量。 India launches a "Taxonomy of Green Steel" to rate and reduce the industry's CO2 emissions.
印度推出了新的“绿色钢的税法”, 以碳排放强度来定义绿色钢。 India has launched a new "Taxonomy of Green Steel," defining green steel by its carbon emissions intensity. 钢厂将根据CO2排放量在恒星系统中评级,目的是减少工业排放量,在2070年之前达到国家净零目标。 Steel plants will be rated on a star system based on their CO2 emissions, aiming to reduce industry emissions and align with the country's net-zero target by 2070. 国家第二钢技术研究所将监督评级和认证。 The National Institute of Secondary Steel Technology will oversee ratings and certifications. 印度是第二大钢铁生产国,其目的是推动该部门的可持续性,减少占全球二氧化碳排放7%的排放量。 India, the second-largest steel producer, aims to drive sustainability in the sector and reduce emissions, which account for 7% of global CO2 emissions. 政府计划通过公共采购和绿色钢任务鼓励绿色钢生产。 The government plans to incentivize green steel production through public procurement and a Green Steel Mission.