一份解密备忘录批评新芬省低估了问题对北爱尔兰社区的影响。 A declassified memo criticizes Sinn Féin for downplaying the Troubles' impact on Northern Ireland's communities.
2003年一份解密的文件表明,新芬党因忽视“麻烦”组织3 000人死亡对北爱尔兰社区关系的影响而受到批评。 A declassified 2003 document reveals that Sinn Féin was criticized for ignoring the impact of the Troubles' 3,000 deaths on Northern Ireland's community relations. 这份备忘录发给北爱尔兰一位部长, 指责该党持简单的观点, 不承认宗派暴力, The memo, sent to a Northern Ireland minister, accused the party of having a simplistic view that failed to acknowledge sectarian violence and instead focused on structural inequality. 官员建议与辛恩党进行讨论, 以更全面地解决这些问题. The official recommended discussions with Sinn Féin to address these concerns more comprehensively.