英国官员早在几个月前就知道斯托蒙特袭击导致北爱尔兰直接统治. UK official knew months in advance of the Stormont raid that led to direct rule in Northern Ireland.
新的未封记录表明,英国北爱尔兰秘书约翰·里德知道警方计划在2002年10月袭击Sinn Fein在Stormont的办公室数月前就袭击Sinn Fein的办公室。 Newly unsealed records show that UK Northern Ireland Secretary John Reid knew about the planned police raid on Sinn Fein's offices in Stormont for months before it happened in October 2002. 这次称为 " 暴风门 " 的突袭发现了一个所谓的共和间谍圈子,导致权力移交的中止和直接统治的恢复。 The raid, known as Stormontgate, uncovered a supposed republican spy ring, leading to the suspension of devolution and the reintroduction of direct rule. 这些记录表明,Reid知道本可用于针对官员和政治家的敏感信息。 The records reveal that Reid was aware of the sensitive information that could have been used to target officials and politicians.