厄瓜多尔和秘鲁遭到高达13英尺的大规模波浪袭击,造成一人死亡,91个港口被关闭。 Massive waves up to 13 feet hit Ecuador and Peru, causing one death and closing 91 ports.
厄瓜多尔和秘鲁遭到高达13英尺高的大规模波浪袭击,造成厄瓜多尔一人死亡,秘鲁91个港口关闭至1月1日。 Massive waves up to 13 feet high have hit Ecuador and Peru, causing one death in Ecuador and the closure of 91 ports in Peru until January 1. 秘鲁中部和北部海岸沿线的海滩也被关闭,以防止对人类生命构成危险。 Beaches along the central and northern coasts of Peru were also shut down to prevent risk to human life. 这些波浪是由美国沿海的长风、淹没的码头和公共广场造成的,导致受影响地区的疏散。 The waves, generated by persistent winds off the coast of the United States, submerged jetties and public squares, leading to evacuations in affected areas.