三名田纳西州社区大学学生受伤。 Three Tennessee community college students injured.
5 月 16 日,田纳西州社区大学的三名学生在巴西海滩遭遇巨浪袭击,受伤,哥伦比亚州立大学的一名教授失踪。 Three Tennessee community college students were injured and a professor from Columbia State is missing after a rogue wave hit them on a beach in Brazil on May 16. 这些学生来自佩利西比州立大学、沃尔特斯州立大学和哥伦比亚州立大学,正在进行出国留学旅行。 The students, from Pellissippi State, Walters State, and Columbia State colleges, were on a study abroad trip. 两名学生在当地一家医院接受治疗并出院,而教授仍然失踪,巴西军方正在进行搜救行动。 Two students were treated at a local hospital and released, while the professor remains missing, with the Brazilian military conducting search and rescue operations.