奥克兰实行9 PM 酒精销售宵禁, 以遏制与酒精有关的伤害, 引起零售商的担忧。 Auckland enacts 9 PM alcohol sale curfew to curb alcohol-related harm, sparking retailer concerns.
奥克兰已实施新的酒精限制措施, 要求超市、酒类商店及乳制品店每天九点前停止售酒。 Auckland has implemented new alcohol restrictions, requiring supermarkets, liquor stores, and dairies to stop selling alcohol by 9 PM daily. 该政策旨在减少与酒精有关的伤害,例如暴力和汽车事故。 This policy aims to reduce alcohol-related harm such as violence and car accidents. 虽然这一变化得到了公共卫生倡导者的支持,特别是对于酒类出口密度较高的毛利人社区而言,但遭到零售商的批评,这些零售商认为这种变化可能降低其盈利能力。 While supported by public health advocates, particularly for Maori communities with higher alcohol outlet density, the change has faced criticism from retailers who argue it may reduce their profitability. 零售新西兰敦促顾客在遵守新规则时尊重工人。 Retail NZ urges customers to treat workers with respect as they comply with the new rules.