Qasyun山曾经是阿萨德统治下的战患地点,重新开放,让叙利亚人享有自由和休闲。 Mount Qasyun, once a war-stricken site under Assad, reopens offering Syrians freedom and leisure.
巴沙尔·阿萨德倒台后,大马士革附近的Qasyun山已重新向公众开放。 After the fall of Bashar al-Assad, Mount Qasyun near Damascus has reopened to the public. 这座山曾经是叙利亚内战期间狙击手的战略要地, 现在向叙利亚民众提供全局观景, 以及享受音乐、食物和休闲活动的自由。 Once a strategic site for snipers during Syria's civil war, the mountain now offers Syrians panoramic views of the city, along with the freedom to enjoy music, food, and leisure activities. 这种重新开放象征着新的自由,标志着与对阿萨德统治的限制有重大转变。 This reopening symbolizes newfound liberty and marks a significant shift from the restrictions of Assad's rule.