在纽约市地铁上放火烧睡女人后 被控谋杀和纵火的男子 Man indicted for murder and arson after setting fire to sleeping woman on NYC subway.
Sebastian Zapeta是一名男子,被控在纽约市的地铁火车上纵火焚烧一名睡睡衣妇女,他被指控犯有谋杀和纵火罪。 Sebastian Zapeta, a man accused of setting a sleeping woman on fire on a New York City subway train, has been indicted on murder and arson charges. 该事件发生在布鲁克林,导致该名妇女死亡。 The incident occurred in Brooklyn, resulting in the woman's death. 检察官说,Zapeta点燃了火,用衬衫点燃了火焰,并看着她烧焦。 Prosecutors say Zapeta lit the fire, fanned the flames with a shirt, and watched as she burned. 受害人的身份仍在调查之中,案件仍在进行中。 The victim's identity is still under investigation, and the case is ongoing.