男子因在纽约市地铁火灾中谋杀和纵火导致一名妇女死亡而被起诉。 Man indicted for murder and arson in subway fire that killed a woman in New York City.
一名男子被指控在纽约市地铁列车内纵火导致一名妇女死亡,已被指控犯有谋杀和纵火罪。 A man accused of setting a fire that led to a woman's death inside a New York City subway train has been indicted on charges of murder and arson. 检察官称,嫌疑人塞巴斯蒂安·扎佩塔 (Sebastian Zapeta) 使用衬衫煽风点火。 Prosecutors allege that the suspect, Sebastian Zapeta, used a shirt to fan the flames. 该事件正在调查中以确定动机,当局正在努力为受害者的家人伸张正义。 The incident is under investigation to determine the motive, and authorities are working to provide justice to the victim's family.