女人在布鲁克林地铁被疑似火柴扔手放火烧死后死亡。 Woman dies after being set on fire by suspected match thrower on Brooklyn subway.
一名妇女在布鲁克林地铁汽车中被放火烧死后死亡。 A woman died after being set on fire in a Brooklyn subway car. 警方怀疑这是一起凶杀案 报告说她睡着时 她身上被扔了点燃的火柴 Police suspect it was a homicide, with reports suggesting a lit match was tossed on her while she was sleeping. 事件发生在F列车上,调查人员正在努力确认这次袭击的详细情况。 The incident occurred on the F train, and investigators are working to confirm the details of the attack.