特朗普审判期间,来自佛罗里达州圣奥古斯丁的 37 岁马克斯韦尔·阿扎雷洛在纽约市法院附近自焚,导致死亡。 37-year-old Maxwell Azzarello from St. Augustine, FL, self-immolated near NYC courthouse during Trump trial, causing death.
来自佛罗里达州圣奥古斯丁的 37 岁男子马克斯韦尔·阿扎雷洛在纽约市法院附近自焚,前总统特朗普的封口费审判正在该法院进行。 37-year-old Maxwell Azzarello from St. Augustine, Florida, set himself on fire near the New York City courthouse where former President Trump's hush money trial was underway. 阿扎雷洛将反政府阴谋论小册子抛向空中、将助燃剂浇到身上并在众目睽睽之下点燃了打火机。 Azzarello threw anti-government conspiracy theory pamphlets into the air, poured accelerant on his body, and ignited a lighter in front of witnesses. 他被送往医院,情况危急,随后被宣布死亡。 He was taken to a hospital in critical condition and later pronounced dead.