纽约警局逮捕了Sebastian Zapeta, 一名危地马拉移民, 因为他在布鲁克林的地铁里放火烧了一个女人。 NYPD arrests Sebastian Zapeta, a Guatemalan migrant, for setting a woman on fire in a Brooklyn subway.
Sebastian Zapeta, 33岁的危地马拉移民,因在布鲁克林的纽约市地铁火车上纵火焚烧一名妇女,导致她死亡而被捕。 Sebastian Zapeta, a 33-year-old Guatemalan migrant, has been arrested for setting a woman on fire on an NYC subway train in Brooklyn, leading to her death. 事件发生在上午7时30分左右的Stillwell大道地铁站。 Zapeta在另一列火车上被发现,身着相同衣服,在中学生认出后被捕。 The incident occurred at the Stillwell Avenue Subway station around 7:30 a.m. Zapeta was found on another train wearing the same clothes and was arrested after being recognized by high school students. 纽约警局正在调查他进入美国的合法性 The NYPD is investigating the legality of his entry into the U.S.