芝加哥2024年是其最温暖的一年, 龙卷风比任何前一年都多。 Chicago's 2024 is on track to be its warmest year, with more tornadoes than any previous year.
预计2024年将是芝加哥有史以来最温暖的一年,气温平均在华氏54.8至55.0度之间,超过了2012年的纪录。 2024 is projected to be Chicago's warmest year on record, with temperatures averaging between 54.8 and 55.0 degrees Fahrenheit, surpassing the previous record set in 2012. 该市恶劣天气也有所增加,有63起经证实的龙卷风,比其他任何一年都多。 The city also saw an increase in severe weather, with 63 confirmed tornadoes, more than any other year. 气候变化被认为是造成这些温度升高和极端天气事件的主要因素。 Climate change is cited as a major factor contributing to these warmer temperatures and more extreme weather events.