明尼苏达州2025年的法律加强了对消费者的保护,扩大了医疗保健,提高了最低工资。 Minnesota's 2025 laws enhance consumer protection, expand healthcare, and boost minimum wage.
明尼苏达州2025年的新法律包括更清晰的票价和职位分配、扩大医疗保险覆盖面以及改善大学校园的投票机会。 Minnesota's new laws for 2025 include clearer pricing for tickets and job postings, expanded health insurance coverage, and improved voting access on college campuses. 医院还必须安装预防外科烟雾暴露的系统,国家最低工资将提高。 Hospitals must also install systems to prevent surgical smoke exposure, and the state's minimum wage will increase. 此外,还为在线购票者提供了新的保护措施,并禁止在企业收取“垃圾费”。 Additionally, there are new protections for online ticket buyers and a ban on "junk fees" at businesses.