密歇根州为2025年颁布了新法律,包括无笼鸡蛋销售和校车摄像头,以加强安全。 Michigan enacts new laws for 2025, including cage-free egg sales and cameras on school buses to enhance safety.
密歇根州于2025年实施了多项旨在加强公共安全和福利的新法律。 Michigan implements several new laws in 2025 aimed at enhancing public safety and welfare. 现在需要商店出售无笼子鸡蛋, 校车必须配备摄像头, 以抓获不为信号而停下来的司机。 Stores are now required to sell cage-free eggs, and school buses must be equipped with cameras to catch drivers who don't stop for their signals. 这些措施,除其他外,旨在改善密歇根州居民的生活条件和安全。 These measures, among others, aim to improve living conditions and safety for Michigan residents.