明尼苏达州的新法律允许各学院申请在校园投票站,以促进学生的参与。 Minnesota's new law lets colleges request on-campus voting sites to boost student participation.
明尼苏达州新法允许有100多名校园学生的学院从1月1日起申请在校园投票的缺席投票地点。 Minnesota's new law allows colleges with over 100 on-campus students to request on-campus voting locations for absentee voting, starting January 1. 国家将承担费用,目的是提高学生的选民参与度。 The state will cover the costs, aiming to boost student voter participation. 其他新的法律包括保护音乐会票买主、限制药物费用、对涵盖堕胎和性别确认护理的保健计划的要求、对承租人协会的支持,以及禁止二元触发枪。 Other new laws include protections for concert ticket buyers, limits on drug costs, requirements for health plans to cover abortions and gender-affirming care, support for tenant associations, and a ban on binary trigger guns.