迪拜打击了洗钱网络,缴获了与欺诈和贩毒有关的Dh641M。 Dubai cracks down on money laundering networks, seizing Dh641M tied to fraud and drug trafficking.
迪拜当局拆除了价值6.41亿迪拉姆的两个主要国际洗钱网络。 Dubai authorities have dismantled two major international money laundering networks worth Dh641 million. 第一个网络涉及一名阿联酋人和21名英国国民,利用当地公司通过伪造文件从联合王国清洗4.61亿迪拉姆。 The first network involved an Emirati and 21 British nationals, using local companies to launder Dh461 million from the UK through forged documents. 第二个网络清洗了1.8亿迪拉姆的加密资金,涉及30人从事贩毒和欺诈等非法活动。 The second network laundered Dh180 million in cryptocurrencies, involving 30 individuals in illegal activities like drug trafficking and fraud. 迪拜总检察长称赞了在打击金融犯罪方面的协调努力。 Dubai's Attorney General praised the coordinated efforts in tackling financial crimes.