阿联酋指控15名个人和12家公司逃税和洗钱,总额超过1.07亿阿联酋迪拉姆。 UAE charges 15 individuals and 12 companies for tax evasion and money laundering totaling over AED 107 million.
阿联酋已起诉来自各阿拉伯国家的15人,其中一些人被拘留,另一些人则在逃,罪名是逃税和洗钱,总额超过1.07亿阿联酋第纳尔。 The UAE has charged 15 individuals from various Arab countries, some in custody and others as fugitives, for tax evasion and money laundering totaling over AED 107 million. 12家公司还被指控犯有伪造、洗钱和逃税罪。 Twelve companies are also accused of forgery, money laundering, and tax evasion. 据称,该集团利用伪造文件欺诈性地要求对不存在的货物退还增值税。 The group allegedly used fake documents to fraudulently claim VAT refunds on non-existent goods.