阿联酋中央银行对违反反洗钱法的地方银行罚款500万迪拉姆。 UAE Central Bank fines local bank Dh5 million for anti-money laundering law violations.
阿联酋中央银行以违反反洗钱法和资助非法组织为由,对一家无名地方银行Dh5百万迪拉姆(约136万美元)处以罚款。 The Central Bank of the UAE has fined an unnamed local bank Dh5 million (approximately $1.36 million) for violating anti-money laundering laws and financing illegal organizations. 这一处罚源于违反旨在监管金融机构的联邦法律。 This penalty stems from breaches of federal laws aimed at regulating financial institutions. 银行董事会必须审查这一决定。 The bank's board must review the decision. 这一行动符合阿联酋加强其金融监管框架和维护打击金融犯罪的国际标准的努力。 This action aligns with the UAE's efforts to strengthen its financial regulatory framework and uphold international standards against financial crime.