挪威圣诞日火车因通讯失灵而停运,影响到数万人。 Christmas Day train halt in Norway due to communication failure affects tens of thousands.
在圣诞节,火车和交通管制中心之间的通讯系统故障,导致挪威全国的火车从上午8时至下午9时停车,使数万旅行者返回家园受到影响。 On Christmas Day, a communication system failure between trains and the traffic control center caused a nationwide train halt in Norway from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., affecting tens of thousands of travelers returning home. 负责铁路基础设施的Bane Nor公司解决了这一问题,但建议乘客期待延误和取消。 Bane Nor, responsible for the rail infrastructure, resolved the issue but advised passengers to expect delays and cancellations. 该公司表示遗憾,并表示将继续处理技术失误问题。 The company expressed regret and stated they will continue to address the technical fault.