一名中国男子因破坏日本有争议的Yasukuni神社而被判处8个月徒刑。 A Chinese man is sentenced to 8 months for vandalizing Japan's controversial Yasukuni Shrine.
东京法院以5月在Yasukuni神社柱上喷漆“厕所”为由, 判处一名29岁的中国男子江珠俊8个月监禁。 A Tokyo court sentenced a 29-year-old Chinese man, Jiang Zhuojun, to eight months in prison for spray-painting "toilet" on a pillar at the Yasukuni Shrine in May. 圣殿纪念日本的战争死难者,包括已定罪的战争罪犯,一直是与中国关系紧张的源头。 The shrine, which honors Japan's war dead including convicted war criminals, has been a source of tension with China. 江江在行动中扮演了关键角色,勘察地点并准备油漆。 Jiang played a key role in the act, scouting the location and preparing the paint. 涉案的另外两名中国男子逃往中国,被列入通缉名单。 The two other Chinese men involved have fled to China and are on a wanted list.