酒厂在Instagram上发起节日运动,促进朋友之间适度饮酒。 Brewery launches holiday campaign on Instagram to promote moderate drinking among friends.
新加坡的亚太啤酒厂发起了“保持现实,保持温和”运动, Asia Pacific Breweries Singapore launched the "Keep It Real, Keep It Moderate" campaign to encourage responsible drinking during the holidays. 该倡议利用Instagram来表彰通过五个类别体现温和饮酒习惯的朋友,50名获奖者获得奖项。 The initiative uses Instagram to recognize friends who embody moderate drinking habits through five categories, with 50 winners receiving prizes. 这场运动提倡真正的关系和乐趣,而不过度自满。 The campaign promotes genuine connections and fun without overindulgence.