Drinkaware 发起了“Measure Don't Guess”活动,以遏制这个假期在家过度饮酒。 Drinkaware launches "Measure Don't Guess" campaign to curb overdrinking at home this holiday season.
英国的一个慈善组织(Crinkaware)发起了一个圣诞节运动, 名为“Measure Don't guess”, 提倡节假日在家准确饮酒。 Drinkaware, a UK charity, launched a Christmas campaign called "Measure Don't Guess" to promote accurate alcohol measuring at home during holidays. 该运动指出,现在家庭是32%的成年人的主要饮用环境。 The campaign notes that home is now the main drinking environment for 32% of adults. 饮酒情况调查显示,39%的饮酒者对监测他们的酒精摄入量感兴趣,45%的人在家里比以前多饮酒。 Drinkaware's survey shows 39% of drinkers are interested in monitoring their alcohol intake, with 45% drinking more at home than before. 该慈善机构按照每周准则,建议男子饮酒少于17杯,女子少于11杯,至少两天无酒精。 The charity advises following weekly guidelines of less than 17 drinks for men and 11 for women, with at least two alcohol-free days.