Wallingford市议会批评泰晤士河水在污水溢漏、污染、健康风险和不断上涨的帐单上发表批评意见。 Wallingford Town Council criticizes Thames Water over sewage spills, pollution, health risks, and rising bills.
Wallingford市议会对泰晤士河水问题,包括污水溢漏、水污染、健康风险和不断上涨的消费账单,表示不信任。 Wallingford Town Council has expressed no confidence in Thames Water over issues including sewage spills, water pollution, health risks, and rising consumer bills. 该理事会与泰晤士河谷的其他人一起批评该公司的环境破坏和基础设施失灵。 The council joins others in the Thames Valley in criticizing the company's environmental damage and infrastructure failures. 泰晤士河水认识到,随着人口的增长,需要对老化的基础设施进行更多投资。 Thames Water acknowledged the need for more investment in aging infrastructure as the population grows.